Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming...

Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you're sneaking in after hours, you must remain sneaky. Yelling and screaming do not fall inot this category.

Yay for free ice cream and cake on the Quad! I will most definetly partake of any sugary goodness being handed out at no extra fee. was mostly boring school items until nighttime came around. Scott called and said that Wes had invited us all to his work to go hot tubbing. That offer sounded pretty spectacular, so Des and I donned our suits and awaited Kylee and Scott's arrival. We all headed over to the apartment complex in Scotty's car and waited for Wes to come unlock the door. Mind you, we were there after hours in a building located in the middle of an apartment complex where people were trying to sleep. Oh, and it's a school night at about...midnight thirty. Don't worry...I altered the time stamp on this fantastic blog journey as to maintain the date of this event in all its...uh, glory. Ha ha. But anyway...we happened to bring a frisbee with us to the pool event, so we started trying to play Ultimate! Except that one didn't really work with the whole...5 of us, so we just played monkey in the middle. And literally, we really did act like monkeys when in the middle. Especially when Scotty wasn't in the middle. We would jump on him and try to steal el frisbee, but he wouldn't have such nonsense. So he would throw us to the other end of the pool. I think that can quite count as my exercise for the day.

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