Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you stare open-mouthed at the Gospel Doctrine teacher, your participation is going to be called into play.
Alrighty...my first Sunday without Desi in my school ward. And since I'm kinda a wuss, I invited Scotty along with me so I wouldn't be alone. So, upon arrival, I looked about to see my fellow ward members...and of course checked to see if any of them were cute. And boy was I in luck! We seem to have a high population of attractive fellows! Which is all kinds of fantastic. It makes church so much more interesting! Alright, now who remembers the cute baseball players from my FHE experience? I sure do. I was just praying they didn't remember me because they both ended up in my Gospel Doctrine class...and one of them was teaching it. His name, I came to discover, is Clinton Dowse. Apparently he's from Kanab and has been back from his mission for about a year. And oh boy is he a good teacher! He just has some swell teaching methods that helped me remain interested and helped me actually pay attention. For example, he had a girl come up to the board and draw out the story that we were reading, verse by verse. It was pretty funny and memorable...which are words I previously haven't really associated with Sunday School, so it's a nice change. So anyway, after church, I went and spoke with Brother Gurr to set up an appointment with Bishop Reed to obtain a temple recommend, seeing as how mine expired about a month ago. Hence, I'm meeting with him on Tuesday at 7:40 pm. Party! Speaking of party, after I went home and changed out of my church clothes, Scotty and I headed to his grandparents' house in Parawon for Sunday dinner. Oh man his family is hilarious. I love it! But it makes me miss my crazy family and our interesting family dinners. Sigh...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Brothah/Sistah Familiah Kind Of Way
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you start drinking, you stop making sense. When you stop making sense, I start making fun of you. The best part? I know you won't remember me the next day.
Movies, movies, movies. Yeah pretty much the story of my morning. Movies with Scott. Ok, I cleaned the whole apartment first cuz he didn't get his lazy butt out of bed till like 1...so I guess it's more like the story of my afternoon. But the day got less boring and lazy when Scotty's parents called. What's funny about that part is when he told his parental units that we were watching a movie together, they called for a hand check over the phone. And being the good kids we are, we did so. Course, there was really no point seeing as how we were sitting at opposite ends of the room...but oh well. We ended up meeting them at Dairy Queen for ice cream and fries and we played the same trick on them that we did to Wes. It was fantastic. His mom hit him and everything. Ha ha I love Scotty's mom. Almost more than Scotty. After we scootered home from our DQ experience, we headed on out to Wes' apartment (clear in the boonies of Cedar!) for his roommate's birthday celebration. By the time we got there, there were 5 other girls there. 4 of them were related to each other, and the odd ducky to their gang was Wes' sister Chesha. One of the other girls, Becca, started drinking and at first didn't seem very tipsy but oh my, did that one change. It was pretty funny listening to her conversational skills take a nose dive. And, being the smarty pants I am, I took every opportunity to make fun of her. It was fantastic. She didn't even care either. She tried throwin' comebacks out, but they didn't get very far. Mostly because she was having trouble making complete words. It got funnier when Wes' other friend came in (already drunkish) and tried to introduce himself to Scott and I. Now, husband and wife mistaking is one thing, but brother and sister mistaking? That one is a little more unforgiveable. He INSISTED that we were either dating or related. We kept telling him that we were just friends that met a week ago, but he wouldn't listen. I don't know which he decided we were in the end...but I made the excuse that I had to get some sleep before church tomorrow so that I could go home. I can only handle so much partying and being mistaken for Scott's sister in one night...
Movies, movies, movies. Yeah pretty much the story of my morning. Movies with Scott. Ok, I cleaned the whole apartment first cuz he didn't get his lazy butt out of bed till like 1...so I guess it's more like the story of my afternoon. But the day got less boring and lazy when Scotty's parents called. What's funny about that part is when he told his parental units that we were watching a movie together, they called for a hand check over the phone. And being the good kids we are, we did so. Course, there was really no point seeing as how we were sitting at opposite ends of the room...but oh well. We ended up meeting them at Dairy Queen for ice cream and fries and we played the same trick on them that we did to Wes. It was fantastic. His mom hit him and everything. Ha ha I love Scotty's mom. Almost more than Scotty. After we scootered home from our DQ experience, we headed on out to Wes' apartment (clear in the boonies of Cedar!) for his roommate's birthday celebration. By the time we got there, there were 5 other girls there. 4 of them were related to each other, and the odd ducky to their gang was Wes' sister Chesha. One of the other girls, Becca, started drinking and at first didn't seem very tipsy but oh my, did that one change. It was pretty funny listening to her conversational skills take a nose dive. And, being the smarty pants I am, I took every opportunity to make fun of her. It was fantastic. She didn't even care either. She tried throwin' comebacks out, but they didn't get very far. Mostly because she was having trouble making complete words. It got funnier when Wes' other friend came in (already drunkish) and tried to introduce himself to Scott and I. Now, husband and wife mistaking is one thing, but brother and sister mistaking? That one is a little more unforgiveable. He INSISTED that we were either dating or related. We kept telling him that we were just friends that met a week ago, but he wouldn't listen. I don't know which he decided we were in the end...but I made the excuse that I had to get some sleep before church tomorrow so that I could go home. I can only handle so much partying and being mistaken for Scott's sister in one night...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Choose The Right...Fight In Public Places.
Obvious Fact Of The Day: Three people on a two-person scooter is bound to draw some attention.
Today after classes, Desi and Kylee went back home with some of Kylee's roommates...but I didn't go. And since Scott is my only friend, we are going to be hanging out buddies all weekend. Oh! But before Kylee and Desi left, we had to make a few trips back and forth between my apartment and Kylee's...and Scott just wanted to drive. So the three of us squished onto Kylee's little scooter and made our trips. You know what the best part about being completely crazy is? The looks. That's right, you heard me. The looks we collected in our short journey made the entire adventure worth it! Oh, the double takes that went down. Especially when we all went to duck to be more aerodynamic and make it up the hill easier. But what's even better than all that is that Kylee let Scotty and I borrow her scooter for the weekend under the condition that we replace the gas we use. SCORE! So after they left, Scotty and I went to the store to purchase some items that Desi and I needed for sustenance. It was pretty funny cuz we would fight over the dumbest things like which brands of what food was better and things of that nature. Then we decided that we were acting like we were married and pretty much right after that I saw this lady look from me to him and then down at my CTR ring that was on my ring finger. I, personally, don't think it could really be mistaken for a wedding ring, but I have had others tell me that they thought I was married because of it until they got a closer look. Ha so anyway...then we went to the library and checked out some movies to watch and went to the Welcome Back Carnival on the Quad. It was pretty lame and the grass was really wet...but we thought it would be funny to try and get Wes to think that we were dating. So we walked up to him holding hands and he didn't seem to notice at all. Then he asked me to come talk to him real quick and he said "Are you dating Scott? Because if you are, I'm going to have to smack you." And that right there made my night. It was hilarious. Anyway...then we went to Scott's apartment to get some stuff he needed before we went back to my apartment to go on our cinematic adventure. Some girls from his high school tried to prank call him and he got annoyed and hung up on them. When they called back, he just wasn't going to answer...so I did for him. They asked who I was so I told them I was his fioncee and that he went outside to get the groceries from the car. I thought it was pretty good trickery on my part because they believed the whole thing. They thought I was living with him for some reason and demanded to talk to him and he totally went with it. But don't you worry, he straightened out the conversation and told them the truth in the end...but it was funny while it lasted.
Today after classes, Desi and Kylee went back home with some of Kylee's roommates...but I didn't go. And since Scott is my only friend, we are going to be hanging out buddies all weekend. Oh! But before Kylee and Desi left, we had to make a few trips back and forth between my apartment and Kylee's...and Scott just wanted to drive. So the three of us squished onto Kylee's little scooter and made our trips. You know what the best part about being completely crazy is? The looks. That's right, you heard me. The looks we collected in our short journey made the entire adventure worth it! Oh, the double takes that went down. Especially when we all went to duck to be more aerodynamic and make it up the hill easier. But what's even better than all that is that Kylee let Scotty and I borrow her scooter for the weekend under the condition that we replace the gas we use. SCORE! So after they left, Scotty and I went to the store to purchase some items that Desi and I needed for sustenance. It was pretty funny cuz we would fight over the dumbest things like which brands of what food was better and things of that nature. Then we decided that we were acting like we were married and pretty much right after that I saw this lady look from me to him and then down at my CTR ring that was on my ring finger. I, personally, don't think it could really be mistaken for a wedding ring, but I have had others tell me that they thought I was married because of it until they got a closer look. Ha so anyway...then we went to the library and checked out some movies to watch and went to the Welcome Back Carnival on the Quad. It was pretty lame and the grass was really wet...but we thought it would be funny to try and get Wes to think that we were dating. So we walked up to him holding hands and he didn't seem to notice at all. Then he asked me to come talk to him real quick and he said "Are you dating Scott? Because if you are, I'm going to have to smack you." And that right there made my night. It was hilarious. Anyway...then we went to Scott's apartment to get some stuff he needed before we went back to my apartment to go on our cinematic adventure. Some girls from his high school tried to prank call him and he got annoyed and hung up on them. When they called back, he just wasn't going to answer...so I did for him. They asked who I was so I told them I was his fioncee and that he went outside to get the groceries from the car. I thought it was pretty good trickery on my part because they believed the whole thing. They thought I was living with him for some reason and demanded to talk to him and he totally went with it. But don't you worry, he straightened out the conversation and told them the truth in the end...but it was funny while it lasted.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming...
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you're sneaking in after hours, you must remain sneaky. Yelling and screaming do not fall inot this category.
Yay for free ice cream and cake on the Quad! I will most definetly partake of any sugary goodness being handed out at no extra fee. Anyway...today was mostly boring school items until nighttime came around. Scott called and said that Wes had invited us all to his work to go hot tubbing. That offer sounded pretty spectacular, so Des and I donned our suits and awaited Kylee and Scott's arrival. We all headed over to the apartment complex in Scotty's car and waited for Wes to come unlock the door. Mind you, we were there after hours in a building located in the middle of an apartment complex where people were trying to sleep. Oh, and it's a school night at about...midnight thirty. Don't worry...I altered the time stamp on this fantastic blog journey as to maintain the date of this event in all its...uh, glory. Ha ha. But anyway...we happened to bring a frisbee with us to the pool event, so we started trying to play Ultimate! Except that one didn't really work with the whole...5 of us, so we just played monkey in the middle. And literally, we really did act like monkeys when in the middle. Especially when Scotty wasn't in the middle. We would jump on him and try to steal el frisbee, but he wouldn't have such nonsense. So he would throw us to the other end of the pool. I think that can quite count as my exercise for the day.
Yay for free ice cream and cake on the Quad! I will most definetly partake of any sugary goodness being handed out at no extra fee. Anyway...today was mostly boring school items until nighttime came around. Scott called and said that Wes had invited us all to his work to go hot tubbing. That offer sounded pretty spectacular, so Des and I donned our suits and awaited Kylee and Scott's arrival. We all headed over to the apartment complex in Scotty's car and waited for Wes to come unlock the door. Mind you, we were there after hours in a building located in the middle of an apartment complex where people were trying to sleep. Oh, and it's a school night at about...midnight thirty. Don't worry...I altered the time stamp on this fantastic blog journey as to maintain the date of this event in all its...uh, glory. Ha ha. But anyway...we happened to bring a frisbee with us to the pool event, so we started trying to play Ultimate! Except that one didn't really work with the whole...5 of us, so we just played monkey in the middle. And literally, we really did act like monkeys when in the middle. Especially when Scotty wasn't in the middle. We would jump on him and try to steal el frisbee, but he wouldn't have such nonsense. So he would throw us to the other end of the pool. I think that can quite count as my exercise for the day.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you are offered extra credit to come to a study session with a TA that will answer any and all questions you may have, it's usually a good idea to go.
Wednesdays in my Calculus class have been designated by Armstrong as "study days". This means that you are free to come to class and work on that week's assignments before they are due the next day (even though we don't have any assignments to be due tomorrow). Our TA (Heidi) also comes in to work out any problems that we may have questions on or problems with...and we get extra credit for putting our name on the roll. Sweet deal right? Right. So guess how many people showed up this morning for this fantastic opportunity. Guess? Guess? Yeah...that's right! 4 of us provided our lovely presence in class. Woot woot! Better grades for me! After that wonderful class, I had a couple hours without class so I went to visit Kylee at work in the T-Bird Grill. She gave me free fries and a chicken sanguich! But shhhh...don't tell anyone! It was a one-time kinda deal. But it was one of the best tasting one-time deals I've ever partaken of! So I munched and headed off to my UNIV class. Waste of time? Yes, sir it is! But hey...it's college credit, right? I can use all the college credit I can get. We got an assignment to write a one page, double spaced essay (holy...easier than high school english. That's like writing 2 really short paragraphs. Fantastic.) on the required reading Choosing Civility by P.M. Forni. Have I read it, you ask? Course not. Have you met me? I haven't finished a required reading book for school since the summer before 10th grade! B.S. is my main form of writing skill. Mmmhmmm. But for the rest of the class I couldn't help but notice that the boy from my CJ class on Monday kept looking at me. Don't really know what to think about that one yet...hmmm...


Tonight's activities consisted of a Meet Your Religious Leaders Fair on the MultiQuad. The best part? Free food. Yeah, Des and I pretty much showed up, found our ward, got some brownies and a name tag and headed up to the SUUSA room for our very first Freshman...I mean...FreshPERSON Board meeting. It was pretty rad. A girl named Liz Day is in charge of us crazy kids. And can I just say that she is officially one of my favorite people ever? She is just fantastic. Pretty sure everyone should know her and be friends with her because we all need a Liz in our lifetime. During this meeting, we were informed of our responsibilities. Priority #1: the ThorCorps. We are in charge of getting people to show up to games and get all spirited up. Priority #2: Fan Of The Week. Yep, we interview and photograph members of the crowd at events and put them on our FOTW board. It's a splendid idea. But we all thought, "Who is going to care if they are FOTW? We have to give out a prize of some sort so people actually WANT to be the FOTW." Liz was already on top of that. She said she had proposed in a Summit meeting (that's the meeting that all the real important student government people go to and talk about what the plan is) that we should give out FANny packs to the FANs, but no one at Summit was really feelin' what she was throwin' out there. But oh, did we understand completely. We were psyched! We started brainstorming ideas for what items we should put in said FANny pack. I was thinking we should put one of those cheap fold out kinda chinese looking FANs in there, along with a FANtastic 4 figurine. Get it?! Ha well Liz got it. That's all that matters. When the meeting was adjourned, Des and I headed back for some free sloppy joes and waited for Scott. We finished eating before he got there, so we were all up for hiding from him while he was looking for us. We ended up ducking behind a group of guys and looking through them to make sure Scotty couldn't see us. But they thought we were looking at them. So they introduced themselves to us...which was awkward, but funny. I ended up getting hit on by a guy who said his name was "Puddin"...and he showed me how he could dance pretty spectacularly. He was really funny and nice, but as a 22-year-old, he looked almost disappointed when I said that I was 17. Gee, wonder why. Jailbait, anyone? Ha ha. Anyway, once Scotty found us, we headed over to the dance at the Institute parking lot. It was actually really fun! Way better than any Stake Dance I've ever been to. But not better than EFY. Nothing tops EFY.
Wednesdays in my Calculus class have been designated by Armstrong as "study days". This means that you are free to come to class and work on that week's assignments before they are due the next day (even though we don't have any assignments to be due tomorrow). Our TA (Heidi) also comes in to work out any problems that we may have questions on or problems with...and we get extra credit for putting our name on the roll. Sweet deal right? Right. So guess how many people showed up this morning for this fantastic opportunity. Guess? Guess? Yeah...that's right! 4 of us provided our lovely presence in class. Woot woot! Better grades for me! After that wonderful class, I had a couple hours without class so I went to visit Kylee at work in the T-Bird Grill. She gave me free fries and a chicken sanguich! But shhhh...don't tell anyone! It was a one-time kinda deal. But it was one of the best tasting one-time deals I've ever partaken of! So I munched and headed off to my UNIV class. Waste of time? Yes, sir it is! But hey...it's college credit, right? I can use all the college credit I can get. We got an assignment to write a one page, double spaced essay (holy...easier than high school english. That's like writing 2 really short paragraphs. Fantastic.) on the required reading Choosing Civility by P.M. Forni. Have I read it, you ask? Course not. Have you met me? I haven't finished a required reading book for school since the summer before 10th grade! B.S. is my main form of writing skill. Mmmhmmm. But for the rest of the class I couldn't help but notice that the boy from my CJ class on Monday kept looking at me. Don't really know what to think about that one yet...hmmm...


Tonight's activities consisted of a Meet Your Religious Leaders Fair on the MultiQuad. The best part? Free food. Yeah, Des and I pretty much showed up, found our ward, got some brownies and a name tag and headed up to the SUUSA room for our very first Freshman...I mean...FreshPERSON Board meeting. It was pretty rad. A girl named Liz Day is in charge of us crazy kids. And can I just say that she is officially one of my favorite people ever? She is just fantastic. Pretty sure everyone should know her and be friends with her because we all need a Liz in our lifetime. During this meeting, we were informed of our responsibilities. Priority #1: the ThorCorps. We are in charge of getting people to show up to games and get all spirited up. Priority #2: Fan Of The Week. Yep, we interview and photograph members of the crowd at events and put them on our FOTW board. It's a splendid idea. But we all thought, "Who is going to care if they are FOTW? We have to give out a prize of some sort so people actually WANT to be the FOTW." Liz was already on top of that. She said she had proposed in a Summit meeting (that's the meeting that all the real important student government people go to and talk about what the plan is) that we should give out FANny packs to the FANs, but no one at Summit was really feelin' what she was throwin' out there. But oh, did we understand completely. We were psyched! We started brainstorming ideas for what items we should put in said FANny pack. I was thinking we should put one of those cheap fold out kinda chinese looking FANs in there, along with a FANtastic 4 figurine. Get it?! Ha well Liz got it. That's all that matters. When the meeting was adjourned, Des and I headed back for some free sloppy joes and waited for Scott. We finished eating before he got there, so we were all up for hiding from him while he was looking for us. We ended up ducking behind a group of guys and looking through them to make sure Scotty couldn't see us. But they thought we were looking at them. So they introduced themselves to us...which was awkward, but funny. I ended up getting hit on by a guy who said his name was "Puddin"...and he showed me how he could dance pretty spectacularly. He was really funny and nice, but as a 22-year-old, he looked almost disappointed when I said that I was 17. Gee, wonder why. Jailbait, anyone? Ha ha. Anyway, once Scotty found us, we headed over to the dance at the Institute parking lot. It was actually really fun! Way better than any Stake Dance I've ever been to. But not better than EFY. Nothing tops EFY.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today Is Tuesday.
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When your schedule says that class is at 5...that means it's not at 7.
Today I only had two classes. Calculus this morning was funny as usual, and ASL was even better. Course, I was supposed to go to class at 5 but got confused...so I went with Amanda to hers at 7. This, of course, made it so that I missed most of the big-kid version of the Club Fair and a Comedian. But it's ok. Dr. Groft is his own kind of comedian. I think I'm going to seriously dig that class. But I was kinda upset after I got home because Des and Kylee and Scott had all gone and had fun at the comedy thing and got to hang out with good looking Cody. I didn't want to be all grumpy and say something I was going to regret so I went to my room and called Cody Beans. We had a long chat and everyone left...so here I am. Wow...kinda an uneventful day.
Today I only had two classes. Calculus this morning was funny as usual, and ASL was even better. Course, I was supposed to go to class at 5 but got confused...so I went with Amanda to hers at 7. This, of course, made it so that I missed most of the big-kid version of the Club Fair and a Comedian. But it's ok. Dr. Groft is his own kind of comedian. I think I'm going to seriously dig that class. But I was kinda upset after I got home because Des and Kylee and Scott had all gone and had fun at the comedy thing and got to hang out with good looking Cody. I didn't want to be all grumpy and say something I was going to regret so I went to my room and called Cody Beans. We had a long chat and everyone left...so here I am. Wow...kinda an uneventful day.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Slip 'N Slide
Obvious Fact Of The Day: Grass is slippery when wet. Grass gets wet when water is on it. Grass + water = wet.
First day of classes. It actually went pretty well. I dig not having to wake up until 8 on Mondays. SO much better than 6...by a good 2 hours. First class of the day: Criminal Justice. It's actually a really large class and has a few really good looking kids in it. You know how you can tell when people are checking other people out? Don't pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about. You know. Yeah so from the back of the classroom, I was watching this go on. A few boys scoping out the female spectrum in room 407. It was actually really entertaining. One would nod (or even point, depending on how inconspicuous he wanted to be) toward a girl, and the rest would agree or disagree as they saw fit. My favorite was when they would point out a guy. That was just pure funny. Well, ok, it's funny until one of them turns around and makes eye contact with you. Oh, yeah, that happened to me. I looked away quickly as if to play it off like I didn't just get caught watching this odd sport. When I looked back up, they were laughing quietly and nodding...but I'm pretty sure it wasn't about me. Well, I hoped the laughing wasn't. I wouldn't mind the nodding. Ha ha. Calculus was next...and can I just say...Dr. Armstrong is HILARIOUS! Seriously, this is going to be the best math class ever. Ok...well, it will be ONE of the best math classes ever. It's hard to top 10th and 11th grade. Those were a blasty.
My first singles ward FHE was tonight at 7 at the Bishop's house. We played some "olympic games"...not well, but we tried. My group's first event was a grape catching contest. I can't catch things in my mouth to save my life, so I just watched. Two pretty cute baseball players were going against each other. It was so funny cuz they would try to cheat...the whole time. Desi participated in the watermelon seed spitting contest...but I wasn't even going to try that one. The baseball players sat out the next one and just watched all the events...which I fully participated in. It was one of those games where you have two buckets and one is filled with water and you have to transfer that water to the other bucket with a sponge. Of course, it's a relay race, so everyone is running. Unfortunately, we were the 3rd group to play this, so there was already water all over the grass. This, of course, meant that Desi and the other girl totally wiped out while trying to empty the sponge into the other bucket. Desi's a screamer, so when she slipped a bit, she screamed, and so now almost everyone's attention was on our intense relay. I so was not going to be an idiot in front of everyone and follow in my teammates' slippery footsteps, so when I neared the other bucket, I slowed down to maintain my footing. And then I sprinted back to make the handoff like no one's business. Course, after completing the handoff, I face planted it and ROLLED. So much worse. Not to mention everyone was already watching, and now, laughing. And I'm not gonna lie...it was hilarious. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't even get up. And I also couldn't look up and make eye contact with the cute baseball players. So much fun.
After FHE, we went to the MultiQuad to watch Iron Man on the huge projector. Only...they couldn't get Iron Man yet, so they put in Bourne Ultimatum instead. We got my blankie and some chips and salsa and joined Scott and Kylee and had a blasty blast hanging out. Right up until some stupid kid tossed a shaken up 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke on us. That part was just annoying.
First day of classes. It actually went pretty well. I dig not having to wake up until 8 on Mondays. SO much better than 6...by a good 2 hours. First class of the day: Criminal Justice. It's actually a really large class and has a few really good looking kids in it. You know how you can tell when people are checking other people out? Don't pretend you have no idea what I'm talking about. You know. Yeah so from the back of the classroom, I was watching this go on. A few boys scoping out the female spectrum in room 407. It was actually really entertaining. One would nod (or even point, depending on how inconspicuous he wanted to be) toward a girl, and the rest would agree or disagree as they saw fit. My favorite was when they would point out a guy. That was just pure funny. Well, ok, it's funny until one of them turns around and makes eye contact with you. Oh, yeah, that happened to me. I looked away quickly as if to play it off like I didn't just get caught watching this odd sport. When I looked back up, they were laughing quietly and nodding...but I'm pretty sure it wasn't about me. Well, I hoped the laughing wasn't. I wouldn't mind the nodding. Ha ha. Calculus was next...and can I just say...Dr. Armstrong is HILARIOUS! Seriously, this is going to be the best math class ever. Ok...well, it will be ONE of the best math classes ever. It's hard to top 10th and 11th grade. Those were a blasty.
My first singles ward FHE was tonight at 7 at the Bishop's house. We played some "olympic games"...not well, but we tried. My group's first event was a grape catching contest. I can't catch things in my mouth to save my life, so I just watched. Two pretty cute baseball players were going against each other. It was so funny cuz they would try to cheat...the whole time. Desi participated in the watermelon seed spitting contest...but I wasn't even going to try that one. The baseball players sat out the next one and just watched all the events...which I fully participated in. It was one of those games where you have two buckets and one is filled with water and you have to transfer that water to the other bucket with a sponge. Of course, it's a relay race, so everyone is running. Unfortunately, we were the 3rd group to play this, so there was already water all over the grass. This, of course, meant that Desi and the other girl totally wiped out while trying to empty the sponge into the other bucket. Desi's a screamer, so when she slipped a bit, she screamed, and so now almost everyone's attention was on our intense relay. I so was not going to be an idiot in front of everyone and follow in my teammates' slippery footsteps, so when I neared the other bucket, I slowed down to maintain my footing. And then I sprinted back to make the handoff like no one's business. Course, after completing the handoff, I face planted it and ROLLED. So much worse. Not to mention everyone was already watching, and now, laughing. And I'm not gonna lie...it was hilarious. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't even get up. And I also couldn't look up and make eye contact with the cute baseball players. So much fun.
After FHE, we went to the MultiQuad to watch Iron Man on the huge projector. Only...they couldn't get Iron Man yet, so they put in Bourne Ultimatum instead. We got my blankie and some chips and salsa and joined Scott and Kylee and had a blasty blast hanging out. Right up until some stupid kid tossed a shaken up 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke on us. That part was just annoying.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Faith Is Like A Little Seed...Or Drop Of Gas.
Obvious Fact Of The Day: Your car needs gas to go places.
So today I pretty much only had time to go to Sacrament meeting. After that, my dad and I came home to fix up Jorge before I took him back to Cedar with me. I cleaned Jorge inside and out...the whole she-bang. Vacuuming, dusting, window cleaning, scrubbing down. He looked so splendid and dad assured me that my speedometer was fixed and that I should have no problems with my "Service Engine Soon" light coming on any time soon. So I gathered my clean laundry and other items to take back with me and went to Desi's house to pick up some stuff she forgot. I drove to Kylee's house, helped her load her items into the trunk, and we were back on our way to Cedar. We didn't have to pick up Scott because he was driving his sister's car up for her, which was totally fine with me. More off-key singing and boy discussions for us. And less embarrassment for crying at a gas station. (Whoa...nice cliff hanger there!)
Ok, it was a small cliff. Not much to hang off. So, background of this story: studies have shown that Jorge can make a trip from Riverton to Cedar (and vice versa) using only 3/4 of a tank of gas. Which is pretty good for a 10-gallon tank in my opinion. So, when we left Riverton with a bit more than 3/4 of a tank still in Jorge, I didn't think there was a problem. Apparently, when you speed...you use more gas. After passing Beaver (the only exit with gas for about...35-40 miles), my gas light came on. Now, I didn't start panicking immediately. I mean...in the valley, there are exits with gas everywhere. Why not down here? Well, that's just the way it is. So after going about 10 under the speed limit for about 15 miles with no exits, my eyes started gluing themselves to my gas gauge. I saw a sign saying that the Kanab exit was in one mile and I thought to myself, "I have a friend that lives in Kanab! There's got to be gas where people live!" And you know, there probably is...if only Kanab wasn't 96 miles away from the I-15 exit. That's when I started seriously panicking. Kylee and I both started praying really hard that we would make it. She kept telling me that she was sure we would be ok. She could feel that we were going to be safe. I wasn't feeling quite the same. I couldn't help but think of all the terrible things that could happen to two girls stranded in the middle of nowhere on the side of the freeway at 11 at night. Can you blame me? It's scary stuff. But Kylee insisted that we would be fine and she even asked a friend she was texting to pray for us. He agreed with Kylee and said he had a strong feeling we would be fine. I decided that I was going to pray until I felt the same way. Its funny because when you think you are on the brink of danger, you seem to make all sorts of strange promises to God. For example, in this situation, I was praying so hard, staring at the gas gauge, promising God that if he let me make it to a gas station, I would totally give a talk on it in church. Yeah, I was going all-in with my promises. This was serious stuff. And what's strange is my gas gauge turned into a kind of faith-ometer. It seemed like the more I believed that we would be ok, the further away it would be from the "E". But the second I doubted, I watched it dip dangerously into the red. And I'm not just saying this for dramatic effect. It was really happening. Kylee saw it too.
We pulled into a gas station about 20 minutes later. Whether I was crying tears of joy for making it alive or because I now had to speak in church, I don't know. All I know is that there is no way that Jorge could have gone 40 miles on fumes. That's just not going to happen. If that's not a faith building experience...then I don't know what is!
So today I pretty much only had time to go to Sacrament meeting. After that, my dad and I came home to fix up Jorge before I took him back to Cedar with me. I cleaned Jorge inside and out...the whole she-bang. Vacuuming, dusting, window cleaning, scrubbing down. He looked so splendid and dad assured me that my speedometer was fixed and that I should have no problems with my "Service Engine Soon" light coming on any time soon. So I gathered my clean laundry and other items to take back with me and went to Desi's house to pick up some stuff she forgot. I drove to Kylee's house, helped her load her items into the trunk, and we were back on our way to Cedar. We didn't have to pick up Scott because he was driving his sister's car up for her, which was totally fine with me. More off-key singing and boy discussions for us. And less embarrassment for crying at a gas station. (Whoa...nice cliff hanger there!)
Ok, it was a small cliff. Not much to hang off. So, background of this story: studies have shown that Jorge can make a trip from Riverton to Cedar (and vice versa) using only 3/4 of a tank of gas. Which is pretty good for a 10-gallon tank in my opinion. So, when we left Riverton with a bit more than 3/4 of a tank still in Jorge, I didn't think there was a problem. Apparently, when you speed...you use more gas. After passing Beaver (the only exit with gas for about...35-40 miles), my gas light came on. Now, I didn't start panicking immediately. I mean...in the valley, there are exits with gas everywhere. Why not down here? Well, that's just the way it is. So after going about 10 under the speed limit for about 15 miles with no exits, my eyes started gluing themselves to my gas gauge. I saw a sign saying that the Kanab exit was in one mile and I thought to myself, "I have a friend that lives in Kanab! There's got to be gas where people live!" And you know, there probably is...if only Kanab wasn't 96 miles away from the I-15 exit. That's when I started seriously panicking. Kylee and I both started praying really hard that we would make it. She kept telling me that she was sure we would be ok. She could feel that we were going to be safe. I wasn't feeling quite the same. I couldn't help but think of all the terrible things that could happen to two girls stranded in the middle of nowhere on the side of the freeway at 11 at night. Can you blame me? It's scary stuff. But Kylee insisted that we would be fine and she even asked a friend she was texting to pray for us. He agreed with Kylee and said he had a strong feeling we would be fine. I decided that I was going to pray until I felt the same way. Its funny because when you think you are on the brink of danger, you seem to make all sorts of strange promises to God. For example, in this situation, I was praying so hard, staring at the gas gauge, promising God that if he let me make it to a gas station, I would totally give a talk on it in church. Yeah, I was going all-in with my promises. This was serious stuff. And what's strange is my gas gauge turned into a kind of faith-ometer. It seemed like the more I believed that we would be ok, the further away it would be from the "E". But the second I doubted, I watched it dip dangerously into the red. And I'm not just saying this for dramatic effect. It was really happening. Kylee saw it too.
We pulled into a gas station about 20 minutes later. Whether I was crying tears of joy for making it alive or because I now had to speak in church, I don't know. All I know is that there is no way that Jorge could have gone 40 miles on fumes. That's just not going to happen. If that's not a faith building experience...then I don't know what is!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Now Serving: Cedar City.
Obvious Fact Of The Day: A free XL t-shirt for everyone is not motivation enough to get people to want to do service for the community. It's rather effective in providing motivation not to go out in public though.
Prepare yourself for a rather long blog entry. Today was a long one. This morning, all the Freshmen were required to show up to a service project...wearing XL t-shirts that were provided for us. Fantastic. My sleeves went past my elbows, and the rest of it was long enough to be a pretty modest dress. I'm little and compact, and it felt like I was wandering around in a trash sack. But no worries. My group went to the Children's Justice Center to do some yardwork for them. It actually ended up being pretty fun, despite the fact that I was sick the whole time. You'd think that surgery would fix the problem, wouldn't you? Anyway...I made some new friends that will for sure be in a couple of my classes. Their names are Allie and Nikki. Nikki is actually in 3 of my classes so that's pretty cool too. On the walk home, Allie and I met Dallon and Jordan. They are pretty funny kids so I'm excited to have some classes with them and their sarcasm. Too bad I skipped the dance...we could have had some special bonding moments.


Why did I skip the dance you ask? Because I was heading home for the weekend to trade Bucky out for Jorge!! I brought Kylee and Scott with me on this home adventure, dropping Scott off in Nephi at his house. Good thing, too because I got pulled over for "inproper use of the left-hand passing lane" (stupid cop...I was being courteous to him!), which would have been real bad if Scott was still sitting in the back without a seatbelt. Anyway...after I took Ky-sizzle home, I returned home myself. I started a load of laundry that I brought with me (what? The washer and dryer at my apartment are SO small!) and took a shower. I asked Emma to put some cookies in the oven for me and got myself presentable-looking. The best part of the whole day was when I went to surprise Russ. He had no idea I was coming home this weekend (ok, I did have to lie to him a little bit. He asks so many questions.) so it was pretty exciting. I took a plate of cookies and drove out to his house all sneaky like and texted him when I got there. It said something to the effect of "Oh...by the way...I arranged for a surprise to be left on your doorstep and I have been informed that it is there now." Naturally, he was confused and told me he would go check. Of course, I was standing on his porch with cookies in hand. He was so surprised! It was wonderful!
Prepare yourself for a rather long blog entry. Today was a long one. This morning, all the Freshmen were required to show up to a service project...wearing XL t-shirts that were provided for us. Fantastic. My sleeves went past my elbows, and the rest of it was long enough to be a pretty modest dress. I'm little and compact, and it felt like I was wandering around in a trash sack. But no worries. My group went to the Children's Justice Center to do some yardwork for them. It actually ended up being pretty fun, despite the fact that I was sick the whole time. You'd think that surgery would fix the problem, wouldn't you? Anyway...I made some new friends that will for sure be in a couple of my classes. Their names are Allie and Nikki. Nikki is actually in 3 of my classes so that's pretty cool too. On the walk home, Allie and I met Dallon and Jordan. They are pretty funny kids so I'm excited to have some classes with them and their sarcasm. Too bad I skipped the dance...we could have had some special bonding moments.


Why did I skip the dance you ask? Because I was heading home for the weekend to trade Bucky out for Jorge!! I brought Kylee and Scott with me on this home adventure, dropping Scott off in Nephi at his house. Good thing, too because I got pulled over for "inproper use of the left-hand passing lane" (stupid cop...I was being courteous to him!), which would have been real bad if Scott was still sitting in the back without a seatbelt. Anyway...after I took Ky-sizzle home, I returned home myself. I started a load of laundry that I brought with me (what? The washer and dryer at my apartment are SO small!) and took a shower. I asked Emma to put some cookies in the oven for me and got myself presentable-looking. The best part of the whole day was when I went to surprise Russ. He had no idea I was coming home this weekend (ok, I did have to lie to him a little bit. He asks so many questions.) so it was pretty exciting. I took a plate of cookies and drove out to his house all sneaky like and texted him when I got there. It said something to the effect of "Oh...by the way...I arranged for a surprise to be left on your doorstep and I have been informed that it is there now." Naturally, he was confused and told me he would go check. Of course, I was standing on his porch with cookies in hand. He was so surprised! It was wonderful!
Friday, August 22, 2008
It's The End Of The World As We Know It...
Obvious Fact Of The Day: Just because you CAN speak without any censor...doesn't necessarily mean you SHOULD.
Today the congregation of Freshman was more an assembly than a class...meaning it didn't require us filling out an assignment on what we learned afterward. Yep...you heard me. We actually got to sit back, relax, and enjoy the performances from various student organizations. But riddle me this: why have the clubs show off their stuff AFTER the sign-ups? Does this make sense to anyone? Because if so, please share with the class. To wrap up that brilliance, the Peer Mentors took it upon themselves to perform some lovely skits...minus the lovely part. They all were supposed to be about adapting to college life and being able to say no...but also yes. I think. It was kinda hard to figure out the exact message behind most of them. One, for example, was about drinking at a party. They seemed to start to say that you should say no to alcohol...but then went into how it was ok if you only had a little. Wonderful message. Thanks for that insight. But sadly, this was not the extent to their skits. I would have you guess what the finale was, but I don't know if you would be able to get it right on the nose. Hence, I'm going to tell you...but don't worry...I'll censor it. I still know how, after all. The short version is, two perspectives on what happened at a party: the guy who had a bit to drink and was lookin' for some lovin' (like McLovin?), and the girl that had a bit too much to drink and was all for an alcohol-related make out session. The problem? They had sex. To him it was consentual...to her, it was rape. So, now that you know the short version...tell me, is it really necessary to give DETAILS on how this all went down? I vote the answer is no. Too bad they don't listen to Freshmen....
After dinner, we got to go to a "class" for about an hour. It was actually relatively good...it had a good message and wasn't scary like the skits we got to enjoy. Ok...except the part where she wrapped up the lesson with telling us that she's a lesbian. Could have done without that part, but seriously, I'm pretty sure nothing could have been worse than the detailed rape scene. Luckily, that was our last class of the day, so Des, Kylee, and I went to Scott's apartment for some better food than we were treated to earlier. We met his roommates Weston, Chance, Austen, and Bryan. Well, actually we just met the first two. We already knew Austen and Bryan from high school. But hey, it was lovely seeing them again. And before I end this, I just have to say that Weston is probably the most prepared college student I have ever met. Course, the credit should go to his mom...but still. I swear he has every appliance in existance and a year's supply of food in his apartment already. If the end of the world happens to befall us while I'm here...I'm so going to Apartment 45.
Today the congregation of Freshman was more an assembly than a class...meaning it didn't require us filling out an assignment on what we learned afterward. Yep...you heard me. We actually got to sit back, relax, and enjoy the performances from various student organizations. But riddle me this: why have the clubs show off their stuff AFTER the sign-ups? Does this make sense to anyone? Because if so, please share with the class. To wrap up that brilliance, the Peer Mentors took it upon themselves to perform some lovely skits...minus the lovely part. They all were supposed to be about adapting to college life and being able to say no...but also yes. I think. It was kinda hard to figure out the exact message behind most of them. One, for example, was about drinking at a party. They seemed to start to say that you should say no to alcohol...but then went into how it was ok if you only had a little. Wonderful message. Thanks for that insight. But sadly, this was not the extent to their skits. I would have you guess what the finale was, but I don't know if you would be able to get it right on the nose. Hence, I'm going to tell you...but don't worry...I'll censor it. I still know how, after all. The short version is, two perspectives on what happened at a party: the guy who had a bit to drink and was lookin' for some lovin' (like McLovin?), and the girl that had a bit too much to drink and was all for an alcohol-related make out session. The problem? They had sex. To him it was consentual...to her, it was rape. So, now that you know the short version...tell me, is it really necessary to give DETAILS on how this all went down? I vote the answer is no. Too bad they don't listen to Freshmen....
After dinner, we got to go to a "class" for about an hour. It was actually relatively good...it had a good message and wasn't scary like the skits we got to enjoy. Ok...except the part where she wrapped up the lesson with telling us that she's a lesbian. Could have done without that part, but seriously, I'm pretty sure nothing could have been worse than the detailed rape scene. Luckily, that was our last class of the day, so Des, Kylee, and I went to Scott's apartment for some better food than we were treated to earlier. We met his roommates Weston, Chance, Austen, and Bryan. Well, actually we just met the first two. We already knew Austen and Bryan from high school. But hey, it was lovely seeing them again. And before I end this, I just have to say that Weston is probably the most prepared college student I have ever met. Course, the credit should go to his mom...but still. I swear he has every appliance in existance and a year's supply of food in his apartment already. If the end of the world happens to befall us while I'm here...I'm so going to Apartment 45.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Clubbin': Cedar Style.
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you act like an idiot in front of freshly graduated youngsters, you're going to get made fun of. Just expect it.
Today for our lovely required orientation stuff, we had to get into our UNIV groups. For those of you that have no idea what that means, it's basically just dividing us up into the classes that we will be in when school starts next week. Yeah, intense right? Right. So basically, this split all my friends from each other and forced us to sit with our new friends. Excellent friend making opportunity here, kids. Well, I made a buddy...his name is Justin. Apparently he is not only in my UNIV class, but also in my Criminal Justice class. Fantastic! Someone I will know on Monday! Good news, that one is. Anyway, the "class" this morning was basically the Peer Mentors telling us about all the things they wished they had known as Freshman. Granted, some of it was very educational (10% off at participating stores around town with my Student ID? NO WAY!). But seriously kids, we're Freshmen. Not 7th graders. You don't need to talk to us like we know nothing. We made it into the university, doesn't that mean we are at least smart enough to...I don't know...tie our shoes and make ourselves breakfast in the morning? Fantastic. Glad we're on the same page. Can you see how sarcasm during this whole event was virtually inevitable? Luckily, my group got to escape the tour of important places and get in line early to dinner. It wasn't the best food I have ever had in my life, but free food? I'm there. Starving college student, remember?
Probably the best part of this week so far was the Club Fair. It was a bunch of tables set up on the Business Quad where all the Clubs got to try and recruit the Freshmen to join. Des, Kylee, Scott, and myself all wandered around the tables and signed up for at LEAST 7 clubs. I'm not even exaggerating. But at the SUU Student Association (SUUSA) table, we met Scott's friend from high school. His name is Wes and he is such a funny kid. He already makes fun of me for my stupidity. It's like we have been best friends for years. He is a member of StAB (Student Activities Board) and convinced us to sign up and help with SUU's activities. We then were ushered to another SUUSA table for the ThorCorps: the University's version of SuperFans. Here we met a rather good looking fellow named Cody. Now there is a born recruiter if I ever met one. All he did was give us a few hugs and soon our names were on the paper. And because of this, of course, Scott has taken it upon himself to make fun of me everytime Cody is within proximity of us...just to make things relatively awkward. Fantastic.
Today for our lovely required orientation stuff, we had to get into our UNIV groups. For those of you that have no idea what that means, it's basically just dividing us up into the classes that we will be in when school starts next week. Yeah, intense right? Right. So basically, this split all my friends from each other and forced us to sit with our new friends. Excellent friend making opportunity here, kids. Well, I made a buddy...his name is Justin. Apparently he is not only in my UNIV class, but also in my Criminal Justice class. Fantastic! Someone I will know on Monday! Good news, that one is. Anyway, the "class" this morning was basically the Peer Mentors telling us about all the things they wished they had known as Freshman. Granted, some of it was very educational (10% off at participating stores around town with my Student ID? NO WAY!). But seriously kids, we're Freshmen. Not 7th graders. You don't need to talk to us like we know nothing. We made it into the university, doesn't that mean we are at least smart enough to...I don't know...tie our shoes and make ourselves breakfast in the morning? Fantastic. Glad we're on the same page. Can you see how sarcasm during this whole event was virtually inevitable? Luckily, my group got to escape the tour of important places and get in line early to dinner. It wasn't the best food I have ever had in my life, but free food? I'm there. Starving college student, remember?
Probably the best part of this week so far was the Club Fair. It was a bunch of tables set up on the Business Quad where all the Clubs got to try and recruit the Freshmen to join. Des, Kylee, Scott, and myself all wandered around the tables and signed up for at LEAST 7 clubs. I'm not even exaggerating. But at the SUU Student Association (SUUSA) table, we met Scott's friend from high school. His name is Wes and he is such a funny kid. He already makes fun of me for my stupidity. It's like we have been best friends for years. He is a member of StAB (Student Activities Board) and convinced us to sign up and help with SUU's activities. We then were ushered to another SUUSA table for the ThorCorps: the University's version of SuperFans. Here we met a rather good looking fellow named Cody. Now there is a born recruiter if I ever met one. All he did was give us a few hugs and soon our names were on the paper. And because of this, of course, Scott has taken it upon himself to make fun of me everytime Cody is within proximity of us...just to make things relatively awkward. Fantastic.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Centering Ourselves In The Centrum
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When trying to make friends...you normally have to TALK to people. Yeah, crazy concept.
Today was the first day of our Freshman Welcome Week. Kinda silly to call it that though because, you see, a week is longer than 4 days on any given calendar. But hey, it's higher education. They make their own rules here. Apparently, the week is filled with required classes/assemblies that all freshmen have to go to in order to get a passing grade for a UNIV course...which popular belief states is the most pointless class at good ol' SUU. So, like the good small children we are, Des and I met Kylee (my best friend from about halfway through the 7th grade) and Scott (a cool kid in Kylee's apartment complex) in the Centrum and got all comfy in the stadium seating. We listened to the speaker person and had a marvelous time learning to love each other and not be scared to be friends. There was an abundance of special moments going about. It was fantastical. Anyway...directly after said special moments, there was a sort of Tie-Dye party out on the Multipurpose Quad (hereafter the MultiQuad). Des, Kylee, and Myself all decided that we were going to make many new friends at this Gala Event. Yes, yes we were. Course problem number one was the fact that we were all too a-scared to go initiate a conversation. So what do we do? You guessed it. We wandered around aimlessly trying to make some intense eye contact with generally cute strangers. Yep. That was mostly the extent to our socialization. But it's ok...we justified these actions (or lack thereof) with the thinking that we would most definetly meet more people in classes. Oh for sure. Let's just see how that one goes...
Today was the first day of our Freshman Welcome Week. Kinda silly to call it that though because, you see, a week is longer than 4 days on any given calendar. But hey, it's higher education. They make their own rules here. Apparently, the week is filled with required classes/assemblies that all freshmen have to go to in order to get a passing grade for a UNIV course...which popular belief states is the most pointless class at good ol' SUU. So, like the good small children we are, Des and I met Kylee (my best friend from about halfway through the 7th grade) and Scott (a cool kid in Kylee's apartment complex) in the Centrum and got all comfy in the stadium seating. We listened to the speaker person and had a marvelous time learning to love each other and not be scared to be friends. There was an abundance of special moments going about. It was fantastical. Anyway...directly after said special moments, there was a sort of Tie-Dye party out on the Multipurpose Quad (hereafter the MultiQuad). Des, Kylee, and Myself all decided that we were going to make many new friends at this Gala Event. Yes, yes we were. Course problem number one was the fact that we were all too a-scared to go initiate a conversation. So what do we do? You guessed it. We wandered around aimlessly trying to make some intense eye contact with generally cute strangers. Yep. That was mostly the extent to our socialization. But it's ok...we justified these actions (or lack thereof) with the thinking that we would most definetly meet more people in classes. Oh for sure. Let's just see how that one goes...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Grafton: Dead End.
Obvious Fact Of The Day: Just because there's no bars surrounding all the cliffs at Zion National Park, that doesn't mean that one should attempt to get as close to the edge as possible.

I awoke this morning to my mom kicking my feet and telling me it was time to get up. But hey, you know me, I just stayed where I was. I did manage to get up about ten minutes later and head down to the pool to join Mom, Dad, and Des in their morning swimming adventures. After such, we all piled into the car (after drying off, changing clothes, and waking the small teenagers, of course) and took a road trip to Grafton and Zion's. The Ghost Town was pretty neat. We went there when I was little so it was fairly familiar to me...although, most of the buildings were locked, so that kinda ruined the party.

We hiked in Zion's for a while and took some silly pictures along the way. We even went to look at some Petroglyphs on the bottom side of a small cliff and got to see a bunch of Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep trek along the slick rocks. 

After stopping to get ice cream and silly pictures in Virgin, we headed on home to finish our Veronica-thon and treat ourselves to a lovely BBQ dinner. Oh...and random observation, courtesy of Desi and myself: when we went to Albertson's to get some yummy items for dinner, we pulled into the parking lot and spotted something interesting. Our conversation stopped as we both commented on the large amount of white and silver cars that occupied the parking lot. They were everywhere. It was almost like a movie of some sort. One where Adrian Monk got to pick out and place the vehicles in that particular scene. Yeah, it was that intense.
I awoke this morning to my mom kicking my feet and telling me it was time to get up. But hey, you know me, I just stayed where I was. I did manage to get up about ten minutes later and head down to the pool to join Mom, Dad, and Des in their morning swimming adventures. After such, we all piled into the car (after drying off, changing clothes, and waking the small teenagers, of course) and took a road trip to Grafton and Zion's. The Ghost Town was pretty neat. We went there when I was little so it was fairly familiar to me...although, most of the buildings were locked, so that kinda ruined the party.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Merman! *Ahem, Ahem* MERMAN!! Wait...Mermaid?
Obvious Fact Of The Day: The hot tub...it's hot. As in...not cold.
Today we took care of some silly business items on campus and then went down to my family's condo in St. George. We squished 4 small teenagers into the backseat of Jorge (my cute black Mercury Tracer) and sang all manner of silly songs. Yeah, even some of Veggie Tales' Silly Songs With Larry...although, sadly, Larry was not present for the entertainment session. We basically just chilled in the condo and watched Season One of Veronica Mars and went to swim downstairs. It was FREEZING in the pool, so we ventured on over to the hot tub, which was HOT. Seriously, with all this modern technology we have, can't we figure out how to moderate temperature? Apparently not. But hey...Desi decided that she is going to make me into her swimming prodigy. And I'm just gonna say...I look pretty awesome in a swim cap.
Today we took care of some silly business items on campus and then went down to my family's condo in St. George. We squished 4 small teenagers into the backseat of Jorge (my cute black Mercury Tracer) and sang all manner of silly songs. Yeah, even some of Veggie Tales' Silly Songs With Larry...although, sadly, Larry was not present for the entertainment session. We basically just chilled in the condo and watched Season One of Veronica Mars and went to swim downstairs. It was FREEZING in the pool, so we ventured on over to the hot tub, which was HOT. Seriously, with all this modern technology we have, can't we figure out how to moderate temperature? Apparently not. But hey...Desi decided that she is going to make me into her swimming prodigy. And I'm just gonna say...I look pretty awesome in a swim cap.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Here's The Church, And There's The Steeple...
Obvious Fact Of The Day: Don't show up for church right at it's scheduled starting time in a brand new college ward expecting to sit anywhere but the foyer. Not the best plan ever.
As you may have guessed, Desi and I were most definetly on time (yet also somehow late) for church today. But being the frightened freshmen we are, we were too scared to walk into sacrament meeting and find seats in there, so we chilled in the foyer reverently. We also got kinda lost looking for a Sunday School class, so we followed the herd to a Gospel Principles class. Pretty sure the guy teaching was making up his lesson as he went. But that's ok. Keeps things interesting. Luckily after that, it's real easy to find Relief Society because it's where all the girls go. And that's me. So I just followed my fellow females. Party on. Later on in the evening, we went to family dinner with Desi's uncle and all sorts of other relatives of hers. It's good to know we starving college students can count on having at least one good meal a week...
As you may have guessed, Desi and I were most definetly on time (yet also somehow late) for church today. But being the frightened freshmen we are, we were too scared to walk into sacrament meeting and find seats in there, so we chilled in the foyer reverently. We also got kinda lost looking for a Sunday School class, so we followed the herd to a Gospel Principles class. Pretty sure the guy teaching was making up his lesson as he went. But that's ok. Keeps things interesting. Luckily after that, it's real easy to find Relief Society because it's where all the girls go. And that's me. So I just followed my fellow females. Party on. Later on in the evening, we went to family dinner with Desi's uncle and all sorts of other relatives of hers. It's good to know we starving college students can count on having at least one good meal a week...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Home Sweet...Basement?
Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you take the backseat out of Bucky the Bronco to make room for furniture...the backseat still won't be there on the way back home.

So today was the first day of my college experience...kinda. I mean, classes haven't started yet or anything, so really I'm just chillin' in the college town...area...place. We took a family road trip down to help me move in and then went out for pizza at The Pizza Factory. Oh my deliciousness. We also walked around campus, trying to straighten out my educational items that needed to be fixed, but to no avail. Also, Dad took out the backseat from Bucky to make room for my items, so I get to drive Bucky till I go home for a visit. I guess he thought it was "unsafe" to drive 300 miles with two girls in the back and no seat belts for them. Anyway...our (Desi and myself) room is a total mess. We were supposed to have another closet built for us and a second set of dresser drawers made by the time we arrived, and neither were there. But it's all good. We'll make due till everything works itself out. It's just exciting to have my own place! Of course, paying for it kinda sucks...but hey, everyone has their own expenses, right? Right. Oh! But my bed is really, really comfy. It's pretty much a memory foam mattress.
Basically the nicest bed ever. Well, that's it for tonight. Tune in tomorrow for the wonderful adventures of my life. :)
So today was the first day of my college experience...kinda. I mean, classes haven't started yet or anything, so really I'm just chillin' in the college town...area...place. We took a family road trip down to help me move in and then went out for pizza at The Pizza Factory. Oh my deliciousness. We also walked around campus, trying to straighten out my educational items that needed to be fixed, but to no avail. Also, Dad took out the backseat from Bucky to make room for my items, so I get to drive Bucky till I go home for a visit. I guess he thought it was "unsafe" to drive 300 miles with two girls in the back and no seat belts for them. Anyway...our (Desi and myself) room is a total mess. We were supposed to have another closet built for us and a second set of dresser drawers made by the time we arrived, and neither were there. But it's all good. We'll make due till everything works itself out. It's just exciting to have my own place! Of course, paying for it kinda sucks...but hey, everyone has their own expenses, right? Right. Oh! But my bed is really, really comfy. It's pretty much a memory foam mattress.
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