Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday Is A Special Day...

Obvious Fact Of The Day: When you tell me that food will be at any given event, that increases the chances of my attendance by about 75%. When warm, cuddly, fleecy blankets are involved at this same event, chances of my attendance jump to 100%. I'm so there.

Today I had to get my butt out of bed early (well, early for a college kid on a Saturday) and get started on making my Personal Progress quilt. For those of you that have no idea what that is, it's a Young Women's thing we do in my home ward. We have to do experiences and projects listed in a Personal Progress book to help us develop better qualities in the 7 value areas: Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, and Integrity. To some, this may sound silly, and to some it may actually be silly...but for me, well, it's helped to mold me into who I am today. It's helped me become a stronger individual with standards that I know I can hold to at all times. Because in all honesty, when you're suddenly out on your own with no parental supervision and virtually no rules anymore...there's no one to monitor your daily activities except for yourself. So for me, this program has given me the practice at maintaining my standards, which has in turn kept me from making stupid moral mistakes (more than I can say for some friends that I have recently become rather disappointed in). Anyway...whenever I finish an experience for any of the 7 values, I get a quilt square of the color of the value I completed. Faith=white, Divine Nature=blue, Individual Worth=red, Knowledge=green, Choice and Accountability=orange, Good Works=yellow, and Integrity=purple. So my morning and part of my afternoon was spent sewing all my squares together into a really cute and colorful quilt. :) It's soft and cuddly and reminds me of all the work I put into making myself be a good example for others. Of course, sewing it was a project in and of itself...mostly due to the extensive pinning combined with eating delicious treats and having some lovely conversation. Well anyway, after I finished my blankie, I headed over to Sammi's so she could work her magic on my hairs. And the woman never lets me down! I go in looking ridiculous and I come out looking like a diva of sorts! Ha ha I KNEW there was a reason that she's one of my bestest buddies! Ok, well there's more reasons than her magic touch to my appearance...but it's seriously such an extensive list, I won't go into all those reasons! Anyway...after that, I went over to surprise Russ Russ (yes, again. I enjoy not telling him when I'm coming home for the weekend. It's exciting) over at his homestead. See, I have to get more and more tricky every time I do these things because otherwise there's no point in surprising him. So this time, I just texted him and said "Whatcha up to?" like I always do. He told me he was just finishing up his dinner with his fam damily. Perfect! :) So I drove on over to his house and texted him again (since the conversation kinda died down) "So whatcha up to now?" to which he said he was just chillin so I asked if I could call him and just talk for a minute. Of course he said yes so I exited my vehicular unit and called the boy! As we just kinda talked about nothing in particular, I walked up to his front door and rang the doorbell while he was speaking to me. He told me to hold on because there was someone at the door (like I didn't know that already) and so I waited patiently as he opened the door. Oh boy was that boy surprised to see me!! Yes, I am ultra sneaky and fantastic at surprising. :) He had no idea whatsoever that I was in town this weekend. It was wonderful. So I chilled with him and his family for the remainder of the evening...which was actually pretty fun. Crazy, eh?

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